
HyperTS is an open source project created by the automatic data science platform provider DataCanvas .

About HyperTS

HyperTS is an automated machine learning (AutoML) and deep learning (AutoDL) tool which focuses on processing time series datasets. HyperTS belongs to the big family DataCanvas AutoML Toolkits(DAT) . It completely covers the full machine learning processing pipeline, consisting of data cleaning, preprocessing, feature engineering, model selection, hyperparameter optimization, result evalation and visalization.

Why HyperTS

HyperTS supports the following features:

  • Multi-task support

    HyerTS provides an uniform interface for various time series tasks, including forcasting, classification, regression, and anomaly detection.

  • Multi-(co)variate support

    HyperTS supports both univariate and multivariate as input features for time series forecasting, as well as the covariates in the deep learning models.

  • Multi-mode support

    STATS mode: For samll-scale datasets, HyperTS is able to quickly search optimal model and perform analysis by selecting the STATS mode, which contains several statistic models, like Prophet, ARIMA, and VAR.

    DL mode: For large-scale or complex datasets, users could select the DL mode, which provides several deep learning models (DeepAR, RNN, GRU, LSTM, LSTNet) to help build more robust neural network. Besides, the build-in GPU function significantly improves the time efficiency.

  • Powerful search strategies

    HyperTS innovatively solves the hyperparameters optimization problem by collecting all hyperparameters over the full modeling process into one search space. The fundamental framework Hypernets of DAT provides multiple search algorithms (Adapting Grid Search, Monte Carlo Tree Search, Evolution Algorithm and Meta-learner) to ensure high efficiency search and optimization.

  • Abundant evaluation methods

    After obtaining the trained model, HyperTS provides functions predict() and evaluate() to evaluate the model peformance. The output matrics include a variety of criterions like MSE, SMAPE, F1-score, accuracy, etc. Besides, function plot() will plot an interactive forcasting curves with confidence intervals, which makes the results more informative and better visualized.

Feature Matrix

Below is the overview of all features and run modes of HyperTS:



Current version

Future Version

Data cleaning

Repeated columns cleaning

Columns types correction

id column cleaning

Constant covariate columns cleaning

Deleting covariate columns with missing values

Deleting samples without targets

Data preprocessing

TimeStamp impution

Missing value simple impution

Missing value average moving impution

Outliers processing







Dataset split

Split training dataset and test dataset in the order of time sequence

Dataset creation

Create batches of inputs and targets by sliding window

Model & Mode

Prophet —> STATS mode | univariate | forecasting

ARIMA —> STATS mode | univariate | forecasting

VAR —> STATS mode | multivariate | forecasting

Theta —> STATS mode | univariate | forecasting

TSForest —> STATS mode | univariate | classification

KNeighbors —> STATS mode | uni/multi-variate | classification

TSIsolationForest —> STATS mode | uni/multi-variate | anomaly detection

TSOneClassSVM —> STATS mode | uni/multi-variate | anomaly detection

DeepAR —> DL mode | univariate | forecasting | covariates

RNN —> DL mode | uni/multi-variate | forecasting/classification/regression | covariates

GRU —> DL mode | uni/multi-variate | forecasting/classification/regression | covariates

LSTM —> DL mode | uni/multi-variate | forecasting/classification/regression | covariates

LSTNet —> DL mode | uni/multi-variate | forecasting/classification/regression | covariates

InceptionTime —> DL mode | uni/multi-variate | classification

N-Beats —> DL mode | uni/multi-variate | forecasting | covariates

VAE —> DL mode | uni/multi-variate | anomaly detection | covariates

NAS —> NAS | uni/multi-variate | forecasting/classification/regression | covariates

Evaluation methods



Model ensemble



Forecasting curve

Forecasting trends and seasonality