Advanced Configurations

The Quick Start section presents the most basic application of HyperTS. The example is repeated as below.

from hyperts.experiment import make_experiment
from hyperts.datasets import load_network_traffic
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split

df = load_network_traffic()
train_data, test_data = train_test_split(df, test_size=168, shuffle=False)

experiment = make_experiment(train_data,
                            covariables=['HourSin', 'WeekCos', 'CBWD'])
model =

X_test, y_test = model.split_X_y(test_data)
forecast = model.predict(X_test)
scores = model.evaluate(y_true=y_test, y_pred=forecast)

This section will introduce some advanced configurations of make_experience to help to achieve more robust and better performance.

Default Settings

Firstly, load the input data and define the task type. The dataset information are collected here。 Secondly, define the related variables according to different task types. For forecasting task, the required variables are the timestampe, and covariables if have. For classification task, the required variable is the target.

Example codes:

#Forecasting task
experiment = make_experiment(train_data,
                            covariables=['HourSin', 'WeekCos', 'CBWD'])
#Classification task
experiment = make_experiment(train_data, task='classification', target='y')


The time series forecasting task could be further divided into univariate-forecast and multivariate-forecast depending on the number of the forecast variables.

For claasification task, it could be divided into univariate-binaryclass, univariate-multiclass, multivariate-binaryclass and multivariate-multiclass, according to the number of features and the target categories.

If the exact task type is known, the specific name is recommended to assign to the function argument. For example, task='univariate-forecast'. If not, using the general type name, task='classification', also works.

Select the Run Mode

HyperTS includes three types of methods: Statistical (default), Deep Learning and Neural Architecture Search, which are abbreviated as stats, dl and nas respectively. Users could select the methods by setting argument mode.

experiment = make_experiment(train_data,

The deep learning method is based on the Tensorfolw framework, which processes in CPU by default and also supports GPU after installing tensorflow-gpu. There are in total three usage strategies:

  • 0: processing in CPU;

  • 1: processing in GPU with increasing memory according to the data scale;

  • 2: processing in GPU with limited memory (2048M). Change the memory limit by the argument tf_memory_limit.

experiment = make_experiment(train_data,

Set the Evaluation Metric

By default, the evaluation criterion for forecasting task is ‘mae’, for classification task ‘accuracy’ and for regression task ‘rmse’. Users could also set other evaluation criterion by argument reward-metric in both string format or importing from sklearn.metrics.

# string format
experiment = make_experiment(train_data,

# from sklearn.metrics
from sklearn.metrics import auc
experiment = make_experiment(train_data,
                            reward_metric= auc,

Currently, reward_metric supports the following criterion:

  • Classification: accuracy, auc, f1, precision, recall, logloss。

  • Forecasting and regression: mae, mse, rmse, mape, smape, msle, r2。

Set the Optimization Direction

The searcher needs an indication of the optimization direction (‘min’ or ‘max’). By default, the system will detect from reward_metric.

experiment = make_experiment(train_data,

Set the Max Search Trials

The default search trials is only three to obtain quick results. In practice, to achieve better performace, the search trails value is recommended more than 30. The higher the max_trials value is, the better performace would obtain if the time is sufficient.

experiment = make_experiment(train_data,

Set the Early Stopping Strategy

The early stopping strategy could define three different criterions to stop the processing to save time. The three strategies are:

  • early_stopping_time_limit: unit is second.

  • early_stopping_round: the trials number of invalid search after obtaining the optimal value.

  • early_stopping_reward: defines the threshold value of certain reward.

experiment = make_experiment(train_data,
                            early_stopping_time_limit=3600 * 3,  # set the max search time is three hours

Define the Positive Label

To evaluate the performance of binary classification task, most evaluation criterions requre known positive labels. HyperTS could identify regular positive labels, like ‘1’, ‘yes’,and ‘true’. For irregular labels, we recommed to define it by argument pos_label. See example:

experiment = make_experiment(train_data,

Define the Evaluation Dataset

The evaluation dataset is split from the training dataset by default. Users could adjust eval_size to set the percentage.

experiment = make_experiment(train_data,

Note that for time series forecasting tasks, eval_size can be a positive integer.

Besides, users could define a certain dataset as evaluation dataset by setting the argument eval_data.

experiment = make_experiment(train_data,

Define a Searcher

HyperTS performs the model selection and hyperparameter search by the built-in search algorithms in Hypernets, which includes EvolutionSearch(default, ‘evalution’), MCTSSearcher(‘mcts’), RandomSearcher(‘random’) and GridSearch(‘grid’). Users could define a specific search by setting the argument searcher. It could be a class name or a string of the name.

experiment = make_experiment(train_data,

For more details of the search algorithms, please refer to the section Search Algorithm.

Set the Time Frequency

For time series forecasting tasks, users could set the desired time frequency by the argument freq. The provided options are second (S), minute(‘T’)、hour(‘H’)、day(‘D’)、week(‘W’)、month(‘M’) and year(‘Y’). If the frequency information is missing, it will adjust according to timestamp.

experiment = make_experiment(train_data,

Set the Time Window

When selecting the deep learning mode, users could set argument dl_forecast_window to define the size of moving time window. The unit is per hour.

experiment = make_experiment(train_data,

Fix the Random Seed

Sometimes, the codes need to be re-executed. In order to keep the random numbers fixed, users could set the argument random_state.

experiment = make_experiment(train_data,

Set the Log Level

The progress messages during training can be printed by the argument log_level. For more information, please refer to the python package logging. Besides, more comprehensive messages will be printed when setting verbose = 1.

experiment = make_experiment(train_data,

Discrete Time Series Forecasting

In some time series forecasting tasks, there may be no regular time frequency, i.e., discontinuous sampling. At this point, users can set mode='dl' and freq='null' to run experiment.

experiment = make_experiment(train_data,

Forecasting Without Timestamp Column

For some time series forecasting data, there might be timestamp column, that is, only the target columns and covariates are contained. In this case, users could set timestamp='null' to run experiment.

experiment = make_experiment(train_data,

In addition, if the sampling frequency of data is known, it is recommeded to specify it by parameter freq, which will facilitate data processing.

Forecasting Train Data Cut Off

In the time series forecasting task, if the early too long historical data is involved in the training of the model, it may affect the final performance due to concept drift. forecast_train_data_periods can cut off the data for the specified period from the end of the training data forward.

experiment = make_experiment(train_data,

Set Cross Validation

To enhance the robustness of the model, users can specify whether to enable cross-validation through the parameter cv. When cv is set to True, it means that cross-validation is enabled, and the number of folds can be set by the parameter num_folds (default: 3).

experiment = make_experiment(train_data,

Ensemble Models

In order to obtain better model performace, make_experiment can enable the model ensemble feature when creating an experiment, that is, specify the number of optimal models participating in the ensemble through the parameter ensemble_size. When ensemble_size is set to None then model fusion is disabled (default).

experiment = make_experiment(train_data,

Non-Invasive Parameters Tuning

The built-in model of HyperTS has some hyperparameters, which are generally fixed or optimized by the searcher from the search space. In some cases, we need to tune certain parameters, such as epochs, batch_size, learning_rate, etc., with minimal cost based on experience. In order to solve this problem, we can achieve this goal by assigning a value to run(), so as to achieve non-invasive control parameters.

experiment = make_experiment(train_data,

model =,